Looking for a sports destination that is fun and exciting for participants and their families? Then get to Butler County, Ohio! Butler County boasts world-class facilities for any sporting event as well as hotels, restaurants, and year-round attractions. Butler County is home to the deluxe 24-field Voice of America (VOA) Athletic Complex, the perfect destination for your next sporting event. Since its opening, the VOA Athletic Complex has been the site of many large tournaments, including National Championships.
Why Butler County
For athletes and visitors alike, the ultimate sports destination is Butler County, Ohio. Butler County continues to be a dynamic home for competition, featuring a diverse portfolio of events from both the traditional and non-traditional realm of sports. Whether it is soccer or Quidditch, our top-notch facilities, combined with excellent hotels, an array of dining options and exciting attractions, make us the perfect place to host your next event. Our experienced sports department offers comprehensive planning assistance throughout the entire hosting process. Contact our sports team today to begin making Butler County the world-class home for your event.
Top-Notch Facilities
Butler County offers a large variety of venues and facilities from outstanding high school facilities to scenic parks to a major Division I institution with Miami University in Oxford. Whether your event requires a field, court, or lake, Butler County has the right facility for you.
With easy access to Interstates 75, 71, 75 and 275, Butler County is conveniently located within a one-day drive of 65% of the U.S. population. From our location 30 minutes north of Cincinnati and 40 minutes south of Dayton, we can accommodate events of all sizes with over 3,500 hotel rooms in the county. When athletes are not competing, our vast and unique selection of attractions and entertainment will ensure a great and well rounded experience.
Butler County Sports Facilities Guide
Selecting a destination for your event is a big decision. We hope a quick tour around Butler County, with the help of this guide, will help you learn why Butler County, Ohio has quickly become the go-to destination for youth and amateur sports in the Midwest. Download your guide here.